We sell a variety of different products at Carolina Chiropractic, but we only sell products that Dr. Petty believes work the best. Some of the products are listed below:
China Gel (like Bio Freeze, but better)
Ice/Hot Packs
TENS (Transcutaneous Electric Nerve Stimulator)
Lumbar Pillows
TENS wires
Back Braces
And many other great items. We even special order certain orthopedic products.

What is China-Gel
China-Gel is a natural unique herbal formula of time proven ingredients developed and clinically tested in a leading acupuncture – pain control clinic. China-Gel is a greaseless therapeutic gel that incorporates modern technology with the ancient pain-relieving concepts of Chinese medicine.

How Does it Work?
When applied as directed, China-Gel stimulates the body’s endorphin response to pain and reduces the pain – producing “P factor” in muscle tissue, thereby lessening pain and discomfort, and enhancing healing. The deep penetrating effect offers long lasting cool-to-warm soothing relief.

Don’t let aching muscles or joints keep you from enjoying your life. China-Gel can help. An herbal topical pain reliever, China-Gel helps to relieve muscle aches and joint pains. It contains menthol, camphor, ginseng, angelica, lavender oil, witch hazel, and aloe vera. It does not have a harsh or medicinal odor but rather a soothing and relaxing aromatic scent.
Massaging it properly into the skin will help to stimulate circulation, initiate the pain-relieving endorphin response, and eliminate lactic acid (or “P factor”) in muscles tissue. This allows the muscle to relax, thereby lessening pain, discomfort, and enhancing healing by utilizing the body’s natural methods of pain relief.
Resembling a fine hand cream, China-Gel dries completely as it absorbs into the skin, so it does not have to be wiped off and will not stain clothing. The scent dissipates as the gel absorbs leaving behind quick and lasting pain relief.

China-Gel is clinically tested and used professionally by chiropractors, massage therapists, physical therapists, in hospitals, spas and health clubs.

China-Gel helps to relieve pain associated with: arthritis, bursitis, sciatica, carpal tunnel, fibromyalgia, tendinitis, and other joint and muscle pains.

A TENS Unit is one of several kinds of electrotherapy devices that use small doses of electric current to promote natural pain relief. The word TENS, sometimes abbreviated as T.E.N.S., stands for Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulator.

The TENS machine itself is a small electronic device that delivers current through electrodes placed on the skin. Unlike systemic drugs, which affect the entire body, electrotherapy targets pain exactly where it occurs.

A TENS unit is simple and easy to use and compact provide quick and dependable pain relief at work, home, or play.

Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (TENS Units) is a highly effective treatment for chronic and acute pain. It is used extensively and recommended by sports coaches, physiotherapy, pain clinics, doctors, and other medical practitioners. A TENS unit will relieve pain, you should notice immediate results, and you can leave on for hours a day and for many the relief is dramatic.

Lumbar pillows are one kind of orthopedic pillow that has therapeutic value when used consistently. A lumbar pillow supports and protects the lumbar area of the spine, more commonly called the lower back. It is a good tool for relieving lower back pain. Because the lumbar area has a distinct curve, sitting upright for long periods can cause noticeable strain. Fatigue and lower back pain are common results. Pain and numbness in the legs can also be a consequence of lumbar strain. Most chairs do not provide enough support for the lower back, and some provide no support at all. Lumbar pillows are placed in the small of the back between the chair and the back, supporting the natural curve of the spine. Anyone who must sit for long periods of time will probably benefit from this support. Office workers, drivers, and travelers are particularly likely to benefit from the use of lumbar pillows.