At Carolina Chiropractic we utilize a variety of adjusting techniques to best fit the patient’s needs.

The most common chiropractic adjusting technique utilized is Diversified Technique, what some people call full spine or hands on, this is a technique that most patients want or think of when thinking about chiropractic. Other techniques can be utilized by Dr. Petty and he is proficient in the following but not limited to:
Webster’s Technique – a specific chiropractic analysis and adjustment that reduces interference to the nervous system and balances maternal pelvic muscles and ligaments. This, in turn, reduces tension in the uterus, a cause of intrauterine constraint of the baby, and allows for optimal fetal positioning in preparation for birth.
Activator Technique – a safe mechanical HVLA (High-Velocity Low-Amplitude) tool for adjusting that requires no cracking, twisting, or popping. This is a great technique if a patient is in extreme pain and can hardly be touched or for some specific conditions.
SOT Blocking (Sacro-Occipital Technique) – LVHA (Low-Velocity High-Amplitude) – a very soft slow moving adjustment tool with no cracking, twisting, or popping. This is a great technique if a patient is in extreme pain and can hardly be touched or for some specific conditions.
Thompson Drop Technique – is a technique that utilizes manual force without any twisting or torsion.

Chiropractic Therapy Can Also Be Called Physiotherapy

To complement and enhance the healing effects of Chiropractic treatment, we offer the following types of Physiotherapy but not limited to:
• Electrical Muscle Stimulation (TENS, EMS, Russian, Inferential)
• Mechanical Traction (Traction, Flexion and Distraction, Intersegmental Traction, Y-Strap, Posture Pump)
• Therapeutic Ultrasound
• Gua Sha
• Therapeutic Exercise (Wobble Chair/Board, Nexus System, Tri-Flex and More)
• Ice/Heat Therapy
• A.R.T. (Active Release Technique)
• Neuromuscular Reeducation
• Rehabilitation
• Home Exercises

Chiropractic vs Physical Therapy

One quite common question is what is the difference between Chiropractic and Physical Therapy?
The answer is simple. Chiropractors treat you to decrease your pain levels first and then rehabilitate you. Physical Therapy treats you with rehabilitation exercises to decrease your pain. This is an oversimplification and can be explained in more detail.

The truth is Dr. Petty refers to Physical Therapists all the time and Physical Therapists refer to him as well.
Chiropractic and Physical Therapy can work simultaneously and together produce a greater result for the patient.
Another main difference between Chiropractors and Physical Therapy is that Chiropractors learn how to Diagnose, read X-rays, and read MRI’s.
Chiropractors do not need referrals from a Medical Doctor. With Physical Therapist it depends on your insurance and the Physical Therapist whether you need a referral.
Chiropractors do physiotherapy as a part of treatment plans or rehabilitation. Physiotherapy and Physical Therapy can be synonymous in most cases.
A great way to know what is the best treatment option for you is to setup a consultation to speak to Dr. Petty and find out what fits your needs best.
They are both considered physical medicine.
Here is a little side note to clear some things up that are mis-information out on the internet: Chiropractors and Physical Therapists are both doctorate programs, both require you to have an undergraduate degree, and both do residencies (about 6 months each). Another side note is chiropractors are trained to diagnose conditions, which is why they are considered both a primary care physician as well as a specialist.